Business Checking
Keep business checking simple and grow your business, with no monthly maintenance fees or monthly minimum balance requirements.
- $50 minimum opening balance
- 12 free checks at account opening
- No monthly maintenance fees
- Overdraft protection (available from Business Savings)
- First 200 of total transactions/items each month (debit/credit and deposited items) at no charge, $0.50 per transaction after.
Change Order Information:
- $5 per order
- $0.50 per currency strap
- $0.50 per coin roll
If your business has high transaction volume and wants to earn dividends on your checking account, Campus Federal has the solution.
- $200 minimum opening balance
- 26 Free checks at account opening
- 100 Free secure deposit bags at account opening
- No monthly maintenance fee with average daily balances of $7,500 or more, $20 monthly maintenance fee on average daily balances less than $7,500
- Dividend bearing account
- Overdraft Protection available from Business Savings, Mastercard® or line of credit
- Only $0.10 per debit or deposit transaction
Change Order Charges:
- $5 per order
- $0.30 per currency strap
- $0.12 per coin roll
APY | Minimum Balance | Dividend Rate |
APY: 0.15% | Minimum Balance: $200.00 | Dividend Rate: 0.15% |
APY denotes Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 1/16/2018. Fees could reduce earnings.
Keep your student organization, nonprofit club or association’s checking account easy.
To qualify, the entity must be a nonprofit club or association.
- No minimum opening balance
- 26 free checks at account opening
- $3 monthly fee
- No per transaction fees
- No change order fees
- Overdraft Protection available from Business Saving

Mobile Wallet
Paying is now easier with Mobile Wallet. Add your Campus Federal debit or credit card to your mobile wallet using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay or Google Wallet.